Workshop June 3, 2021 program

Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».

SOVA Center for Information and Analysis and Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center

conduct the workshop

Prevention of right-wing and religiously motivated violent extremism. In search of a positive experience

June 3, 2021. The Sakharov Center, Moscow + online.

Participation by registration only.

11.00-11.15. Kickoff. Organizers’ Welcome

Alexander Verkhovsky, Director, SOVA Center for Information and Analysis *

Ekaterina Sokirianskaia, Director, Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center

11.15-13.00. Violent right-wing extremism: the current status, factors of (de) radicalization, and approaches to prevention

Moderation and introduction by Alexander Verkhovsky

Pavel Nikulin (Russia), journalist, founder of the Moloko+ journal

Where do Nazis come from: could the answer be found in the bios of the far-right?

Alexander Litoy (Russia), journalist

Disillusioned Nazis: why the far-right is losing supporters in Russia?

Vyacheslav Likhachev (Ukraine, online), expert at the University of Oslo Center for Research on Extremism

Trajectories of deradicalization of the Ukrainian far-right after the Revolution of Dignity

Nasta Loika (Belarus, online), co-founder of Human Constanta

The experience of educational activities in Belarus


13.00-14.00. Lunch (at the venue)

14.00-15.45. Reintegration of women and children returning from the Middle East conflict zone

Moderation and introduction by Ekaterina Sokirianskaia

Farangiz Atamuradova (UAE), research associate at Hedayah

Rehabilitating Children of ISIS**: Extracting Recommendations from the Education-Related ‘ISIS Files’. Based on the report “Planting the Seeds of the Poisonous Tree: Establishing a System of Meaning Through ISIS Education”

Oliya Ilmuradova (Uzbekistan), Director, International social and educational center Barqaror Hayot

Experience of assisting women and children repatriated from Syria and Iraq to Uzbekistan

Libkan Bazaeva (Russia, Republic of Chechnya), Director, NGO “Women for Development”.

The psychosocial rehabilitation of children repatriated to the Republic of Chechnya from Syria and Iraq and assistance to their guardians.

Aida Kasimova (Russia, Republic of Dagestan), a lawyer representing relatives of children in conflict zones in the Middle East; her nephews have recently been repatriated from Iraq.

The problem of the separation of mothers and children returning from the Middle East conflict zone.


15.45-16.00. Coffee Break

16.00 -17.30. Discussion: Innovative approaches to civic education and prevention in young people

Harald Weilnböck (Germany, online), expert at Cultures Interactive e.V.

Youth Cultures – and the “Narrative Group Work in Schools” approach. Innovative approaches in civic education and rehabilitation

Ksenia Luchenko (Russia), journalist, project methodologist, joint educational project of the Goethe-Institut in Russia and the portal COLTA.RU “How to Read Media?”

Steering clear of extremes: media literacy or bans?


17.30-18.30. Deradicalization programs in prisons

Yulia Denisenko (Kyrgyzstan), Director, public fund Asia-Group.

Deradicalization programs for prisoners and probation clients in Kyrgyzstan

Ekaterina Sokirianskaia (Russia), Director, Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center.

Deradicalization programs for the North Caucasus natives convicted under articles related to armed activities


18.30-18.40. Conclusion of the workshop

* SOVA Center has been listed as an NGO “performing the function of a foreign agent", and is appealing this decision.

** The organization is recognized as terrorist and banned in Russia.