Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


Should We Expect a Rapprochement Between Liberals and Nationalists?
See Alexander Verkhovsky's piece published by Russia.Post. The author takes a look at attempts by liberals to build bridges with Russian nationalists in 2022–2023.

Russian Nationalists’ Movement Against the Backdrop of War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has changed Russian society in many ways. One of the most anticipated areas of these changes is related to nationalism, and these changes are certainly taking place. This article will discuss only those changes that directly relate to the Russian nationalists’ movement, that is, a wide and extremely heterogeneous set of politically active people who define themselves mainly as nationalists.