Nationalist participation in Moscow’s March of Millions

Russian nationalist groups, who have been actively attempting to bolster their popularity by way of participation in the protest movement For Fair Elections, made sure to attend the May 6, 2012 March of Millions in Moscow.

Members of the Great Russia party gathered at the Oktyabrskaya Metro station with flags and banners with their symbols, passing through metal detectors without hindrance. Under the leadership of Andrei Saveliev they formed a convoy of about a hundred people, and were joined by apparently unorganized others in balaclavas and medical masks. They stood for a while on Yakimanka Street, chanting a slogan that could be translated as, “We won’t deal with Liberals.” They chanted other slogans but ultimately did not take part in the main demonstration, instead heading away from the march. Some in the column threw the fascist salute.

Some of the non-Great Russia participants from this group remained at the event, holding pencil-written placards displaying the kolovrat, the Slavic swastika.

Participants in the action included about thirty members of the Russian Civil Union (RGS), with flags and a banner reading “Russia chooses freedom.” They lined up alongside the march’s LGBT column, and according to media reports there was an altercation between gay rights and nationalist activists. RGS activists chanted, “What does Russia choose? Russia chooses freedom!”

Observers from Sova noted symbols representing the Common Cause movement, along with several imperial Russian flags of various sizes. At least two demonstrators were in Cossack uniform.

Demonstrators distributed the newspapers Slavyanka March and Duel at the event.

A few dozen ultra-right demonstrators, including Russians movement leader Dmitry Demushkin, were detained at the Teatralnaya Metro station. The Interior Ministry’s press service said they had “tried to arrange a brawl in the subway and provocations against the police.”