The Amount of Extremist Materials Has Decreased
In the end of November 2009, the Russian Ministry of Justice has revised the Federal List of Extremist Materials. As a result, one of the items was removed from the list for the first time in more than two years of the list's history. Item 413, a leaflet against Krishnaists that was spread in Khabarovsk by the members of the pro-Kremlin Young Guard of United Russia (YGUR) party, is no longer extremist.
November, 2009. Monthly Summary
In November, 2009, according to our data, not less than 10 people, including 2 fatalities, became victims of neo-Nazi and racist motivated violence. Beside Moscow, the incident took place in Omsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. The most high profile murders, in all probability committed with a hate motive, were the ones on the antifascist Ivan Khutorskoj (Kostolom) and the Orthodox priest Daniil Sysoev. In comparison, in November, 2008, 6 people were murdered and not less than 28 injured.
October, 2009 Monthly Summary
In October, 2009, not less than 12 people, including a fatality, became victims of racist and neo-nazi motivated violence in Russia. Besides Moscow, such incidents took place in Kirov and Sverdlovsk regions. In October, 2008, 7 people were murdered and not less than 20 more injured.
September, 2009. Monthly Summary
In September, 2009, in Russia, not less than 23 people, including 6 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-nazi motivated violence. Beside Moscow and St. Petersburg, such attacks took place in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Orel and Samara. In September, 2008, 7 people were murdered and not less than 47 more injured.
August, 2009. Monthly Summary
In August, 2009, according to our data, not less than 23 people, including 3 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-Nazi violent attacks in 4 regions of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kirov and Ufa. In comparison, in August, 2008, 11 people were murdered and 28 more were injured as a result of such attacks.
July, 2009. Monthly Summary
In July, 2009, according to our data, not less than 6 people became victims of racist and neo-Nazi motivated violence in Russia (in July, 2008, 3 people were murdered and 25 were injured). In all, from the beginning of 2009, not less than 36 people died and not less than 171 were injured as a result of such attacks (in January-July, 2008, not less than 371 people became victims, including 73 fatalities).
A New Book of the SOVA Center
In July, 2009, the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis issued a new book in English under the title Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-Extremism in Russia in 2008: A collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis; [Verkhovsky Alexander, Kozhevnikova Galina, Sibireva Olga; translation - I. Savelieva, S. Rock] - М.: SOVA Center, 2009. - 140 pp.: tables (Academic publication).
June 2009. Monthly Summary
In June, 2009, according to our data, not less than 27 people, including 4 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-Nazi violence. (In June, 2008, 1 person was killed and 20 injured.) In all, from the beginning of the year 2009, not less than 36 people died and 147 were injured as a result of such attacks. (In 2008, in the same period of time, not less than 67 people died and 266 were injured.)