Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


The Amount of Extremist Materials Has Decreased
In the end of November 2009, the Russian Ministry of Justice has revised the Federal List of Extremist Materials. As a result, one of the items was removed from the list for the first time in more than two years of the list's history. Item 413, a leaflet against Krishnaists that was spread in Khabarovsk by the members of the pro-Kremlin Young Guard of United Russia (YGUR) party, is no longer extremist.
November, 2009. Monthly Summary
In November, 2009, according to our data, not less than 10 people, including 2 fatalities, became victims of neo-Nazi and racist motivated violence. Beside Moscow, the incident took place in Omsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. The most high profile murders, in all probability committed with a hate motive, were the ones on the antifascist Ivan Khutorskoj (Kostolom) and the Orthodox priest Daniil Sysoev. In comparison, in November, 2008, 6 people were murdered and not less than 28 injured.
October, 2009 Monthly Summary
In October, 2009, not less than 12 people, including a fatality, became victims of racist and neo-nazi motivated violence in Russia. Besides Moscow, such incidents took place in Kirov and Sverdlovsk regions. In October, 2008, 7 people were murdered and not less than 20 more injured.
Concluding observations of the UN Human Rights Committee on Russia's report on International covenant on civil and political rights
On the 29th of October the text of :Concluding observations of the UN Human Rights Committee on Russia's last periodical report on International covenant on civil and political rights; was opened for public.
September, 2009. Monthly Summary
In September, 2009, in Russia, not less than 23 people, including 6 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-nazi motivated violence. Beside Moscow and St. Petersburg, such attacks took place in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Orel and Samara. In September, 2008, 7 people were murdered and not less than 47 more injured.
August, 2009. Monthly Summary
In August, 2009, according to our data, not less than 23 people, including 3 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-Nazi violent attacks in 4 regions of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kirov and Ufa. In comparison, in August, 2008, 11 people were murdered and 28 more were injured as a result of such attacks.
July, 2009. Monthly Summary
In July, 2009, according to our data, not less than 6 people became victims of racist and neo-Nazi motivated violence in Russia (in July, 2008, 3 people were murdered and 25 were injured). In all, from the beginning of 2009, not less than 36 people died and not less than 171 were injured as a result of such attacks (in January-July, 2008, not less than 371 people became victims, including 73 fatalities).
An Antifascist from Rostov-na-Donu Faces Threats
In July, 2009, Konstantin Baranov, the leader of :Young Europe; international organization, became a victim of neo-nazi threats.
A New Book of the SOVA Center
In July, 2009, the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis issued a new book in English under the title Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-Extremism in Russia in 2008: A collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis; [Verkhovsky Alexander, Kozhevnikova Galina, Sibireva Olga; translation - I. Savelieva, S. Rock] - М.: SOVA Center, 2009. - 140 pp.: tables (Academic publication).
June 2009. Monthly Summary
In June, 2009, according to our data, not less than 27 people, including 4 fatalities, became victims of racist and neo-Nazi violence. (In June, 2008, 1 person was killed and 20 injured.) In all, from the beginning of the year 2009, not less than 36 people died and 147 were injured as a result of such attacks. (In 2008, in the same period of time, not less than 67 people died and 266 were injured.)