Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Исследовательский Центр «Сова» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Исследовательский Центр «Сова».


ODIHR Meeting on Hate Crimes in Vienna
November 9-10, 2006, an ODIHR working meeting on hate crime data gathering took place in Vienna.
Recommendations of SOVA Center to OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting
These recommendations were distributed on OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Warsaw, 2-13 October 2006
Hate Crime in Russia: Brief Analysis, Statistics, Recommendations
We publish a small survey of racist and neo-nazi violence in Russia. This material was prepared for the OSCE meeting on the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw in October, 2006. This publication includes also statistics of the racist assaults in 2004-2006 and information on the hate crimes verdicts.
Galina Kozhevnikova, Alexander Verkhovsky. Anti-Semitism in Russia. January - September 2006
We publish a small survey of anti-Semitic manifestations in the first half of 2006 which was made by the SOVA Center in the early of October, 2006, and distributed among the participants of the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw in October, 2006.
Intervention to the 2006 OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting by the IHF and SOVA Center
In October 9-12, 2005 SOVA Center took part in OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw.
On October, 11th at the working session "Tolerance and non-discrimination" ("Prevention of aggressive nationalism, chauvinism, and ethnic cleansing") Galina Kozhevnikova made the intervention on the racist violence in Russia. We publish the full text of the intervention prepared for this session by International Helsinki Federation and SOVA Center.
In oral intervention SOVA Center had to add some remarks (in Russian) on current anti-georgian campaign, which includes clearly racist actions.
Human Rights Conference, 5 July: the position, expressed on the problems of racism, xenophobia and freedom of conscience
The all-Russian conference :Human Rights in Russia in the Year of Russia's Chairmanship in the G8 and the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers; (organized with the assistance of SOVA) has adopted an address (Word document) to the leaders of the G8 countries. The address has an appendix :Brief overview of human rights problems in Russia and recommendations;, which covers a very wide range of problems. Here we publish the parts concerning religion in the society, xenophobia and counteraction to it.
Civil G8 - 2006: Round tables on the human rights problems in the world
On July 3, 2006, in Moscow, during the International Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations "Civil G8 - 2006", four round tables on different aspects of human rights were held. We publish recommendations of the Round Table on Migration, Xenophobia and Racial Discrimination.
Recommendations of SOVA Center for EU-Russia consultations in Vienna
SOVA Center attended a meeting with EC representatives in Vienna on 2 March; the meeting was associated with the third round of the EU-Russia consultations on human rights. Unfortunately, Russian diplomats did not attend the meeting (details of the meeting can be found on Demos Centre website in Russian only).

We handed over to the EU representatives a short version of SOVA's most recent annual report on hate crime and state measures to combat xenophobia.

The report includes SOVA's recommendations addressed to Russian authorities and prepared specifically for this meeting.
These recommendations are published here.