

SOVA Center's statement for the session on promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms at ODIHR 30th anniversary conference
SOVA Center took part in the OSCE conference "ODIHR: three decades and ready for the future" in Warsaw on October 14-15, 2021.
Video: Seminar "Prevention of Right-Wing Radical and Religiously Motivated Violent Extremism. In Search of a Positive Experience"
On June 3, 2021, SOVA Center and the Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center held a seminar “Prevention of Right-Wing Radical and Religiously Motivated Violent Extremism. In Search of a Positive Experience.” See the full video of the seminar.
Where do the “anti-sectarian” fantasies in the case against Navalny’s supporters come from?
The Prosecutor’s Office brings more charges to make the case appear ‘more serious’.