Database: Acts of violence

Below you may find some statistics related to the acts of ideological violence known to SOVA Center. The data have been added systematically since 2007. Use the “Filter” form to specify the selection criteria. A value can be set or left blank.
The provided number of victims of a violent act may vary if the real number has not been established. You can choose between the minimum and maximum.
The data do not include victims of attacks in the North Caucasus and Crimea and victims of mass brawls as well as the homeless victims of violence if the motive of hatred has not been established by investigators.

Filter: Table: Hint:
Type of violence:
Type of victim:

You should specify which fields are used to for rows and columns.

Number of victims:
minimum score
maximum score

The results can be displayed as a diagram or a map. Each cell is clickable and will load corresponding website articles that are linked to the cell.

To switch between Year/Month and date interval click the calendar icon.

If you want to select sentences under articles of the Criminal Code, you can enter the article number, a specific part or even the point. For example, an article about participation in an extremist community is designated as 282-1 (as opposed to 282.1 or something else). If you want to specify 1st part of it, use the dot as a separator: 282-2.1

Total: 0 affected

Total 0

Hint: Click on a table cell to get a list of relevant articles on the site